Thursday, August 12, 2010

Advice for Future Lovers


When a woman is prepared to grant you the desires of your heart
Consider it with the seriousness of staring down the endless barrel of a loaded gun
Do not speak words of love, if there is uncertainty in the forethought.
Loving is a decision, not by default.


Young mortals are on uneven ground with Goddesses.
Do not attempt to make her your own because you are enchanted.
If you cannot accept her as a woman when her glamour becomes flesh
Leave before she falls for your humanity.
Its easier to daydream than live with her in reality.
The Queen could not crown a royal bastard King
When he did not recognize his own reflection
No matter how many times she offered the mirror
All so broken and unable to live in peace.
Sweet beds do become bitter battlefields.


Be grateful to leave a woman without scars.
If she has allowed you to leave with your dignity intact
Respect her.
Let no strange women speak or treat her carelessly.
Honor her enough to keep her good name whole.
Whores are not for the keeping of company
Or you will find yourself despised and outcast among those you once called friends.


In the event you should grow into a man.
Find yourself and discover the world outside of you
The next time a woman offers her heart
Be ready with open palms
Know your own mind
So that you do not confuse hers.
Be a rock and not the shifting sand.


Remember this poem
When you suffer your first real heartbreak.
When you wish for comfort.
When you miss the warmth of a sincere embrace.
Think back to the haven you left
To find your manhood.
Thank God for being able to feel and finally understand
That all things worth having require sacrifice
Especially when it hurts.