Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NaPoWriMo #7: Love (Funny Side Up)

We laughed hooting like
crazed owls mocking poets

Your dimples caved in
My giggles kept them cratered
Our smiles wide as sunrise


Marie said...

Funny! Well done. Love the dimples.

Ron. said...

Owls, you say? Mocking, You say?
Not bloody likely.

Fine write.

Rallentanda said...

Where were those dimples exactly?

Pan Haiku Review said...

Love these lines:

Your dimples caved in.
My giggles kept them cratered.

I don't think you need so much in the way of periods/fullstops though. e.g.

we laughed hooting like
crazed owls mocking poets

your dimples caved in
my giggles kept them cratered
our smiles wide as sunrise

Tanka originated as a one line poem in Japanese, but we tend to break them up, but still copy using minimal punctuation.

Good tanka! ;-)


Legacy Leonard said...

Thank you for your comments, everyone.

@ Rallentanda They are in his cheeks.
@ Alan Excellent suggestions

Wayne Pitchko said...

lovely Legacy....nice dimples too.....thanks again for this

flaubert said...

Smiles wide as sunrise

Shari Smothers said...

I enjoyed this poem as I actually caught the contagion of smiling.