Friday, April 2, 2010

Napowrimo Prompt #2: Right Wing Porn

It's the ultimate stimulus package
For these hard times.

Watching politicians masturbate themselves into legislative frenzy.

There goes one over the peoples' heads and they waited
For universal health care as millions of Americans die
Of poor health and mistreatment.

Obama finally gets it in and makes the Republicans go limp dick.
There is no extenze of compassion for the citizens.
Working class is too soft core.

No public option, baby.
We prefer our rape overs in private still.

The Pubs like it raw, hard and fast.
No mercy as they jerk off in our faces.
Another headline for the horny media.
All hot and ready to deliver the thrust
In our violated brains.

We are hooked on their lies
Like lines of heroines.
Sniffing the bullshit off the backs of our hands.
Laying prone to those in power.
Pounding our souls bareback.
There is no latex capable of
protecting our futures.

Our rights are up for the raping.
We are bent over, face down in our indignities.
Our tears and blood, the ideal lubrication.
Our protests prolongs the fucking.
It's better when we scream our agony.
A good fight always excites a pervert.
Getting shafted until
We split open and rot in the shadows
Of a glaring White House
Rich from our crimson deaths.

The ultimate stimulus package for their hard times.

America, you are such an awesome

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